Friday, November 19, 2010

...And I'm Feelin' Good

It's miserable and chilly today but that can't dampen my spirits at the mo, I may receive a real-live-100%-genooowine job-offer BUT more importantly I am going to see the most beautiful man tonight, for one night only, he will be mine...all mine....well, along with the other 30 000 screaming fans at the 30 Seconds to Mars concert. See you later Jared.

The monsters are sleeping out all night which can mean only one thing for me, YEAH BABY! Bring on the Saturday morning lie-in! I can't remember when last I had one of those - I know boring neh, but I have learned to savour the little things.

Short post today, here is something to appease,a pic of Jared. Y'all have a lovely weekend now y'hear.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

And So The Search Continues...

Who would've thought that it could take so long to find a job! Today I will be going for a second interview at a great company (from what I can tell), 6 months of searching, could this be the one?

10 years ago searching for and bagging a job was as easy as feeding chocolate to my 3 year old. I had no expectations other than a salary of some sort to see me through my numerous nights of drunken partying, in return I offered full loyalty, a job done well and a non-clock watcher mentality, I didn't leave until the job was done. Now however, my expectations are that of a working mom, allow me time to do my job properly as well as look after my family properly and in turn I will give my loyalty, a job well done and a non-clockwatcher mentality - ie. please let me work from 7-4 instead of 8-5... Simple request right? Wrong! This seemingly simple request has been the stumbling block for many of my 2nd and even 3rd interviews to date, how frustrating and yet I must persevere, I have no other choice.
Me; "Oh Honey by the way, I have decided to give up on this whole job-hunting business, it's just not for me"
Honey; "Ok no problem love, I don't mind if we switch from eating steak and drinking beer to eating pap and drinking water"

Also on the agenda for today:
I am going to try and sneak some pumpkin into tonight's dinner for Princess (my 3 year old who has a distinct aversion to food in general) - Deceptively Delicious , a schneaky cookbook from Jerry Seinfeld's wife Jessica has recently become my bible of sorts but I'll blog more about that when my mind isn't trying to get into "Corporate Mode".

I will also sincerely try and NOT bribe The Monster (my 1 year old who has yet to turn down anything edible besides Purity's Chicken a' la King) with a biscuit in order to keep her from moaning during "suicide hour".

Wish Me Luck!